The Force was with me a few years ago and I got to be part of Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View! That book retold A New Hope from the points of view of lots of different characters, such as the Mouse Droid. My story was about the two WHILLS who wrote the famous opening crawl we see at the beginning of the movie. They had a few, er, differences of opinion.
Now those WHILLS are STRIKING BACK in my latest story as the argue over the opening crawl for Empire Strikes Back. And that’s just one of MANY stories in this book. Others focus on The Wampa, Bossk, Boba Fett and even the medical droid that gives Luke a new hand! (spoiler alert)
Best of all, both of these books raise funds and books for FIRST BOOK, one of my favorite charities. They get books to kids that need them but may not be able to afford them.