From the book: Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark, here is one of the DARK stories….
Actually, the story itself isn’t that dark… but the star is a BAD GUY! A REAL bad guy! Bounty Hunter Cad Bane.
Here’s the opening of Bane’s Story, which has a guest appearance from two of out Origami Yoda favorites: Boba and Bossk! And YES they are in a cafeteria… But, it’s not a middle school cafeteria…. It’s a Coruscant Prison.
“Cad Bane? Back already? After I went to all that trouble to help you bust outta here? Pretty sloppy.”
There’s no man in this prison with the guts to talk to me that way.
But there is one kid.
A bounty hunter like me can’t afford to have friends, but I do kinda like this kid. Plus, I owed his father, Jango, a few favors.
Oh, yeah… there’s one big ugly lizard with the guts, too.
“Boba… Bossk… take a seat,” I said. “I got a story that’ll turn your stomachs worse than that green glop you got on your plates.”