Alright, SFs… are you excited about the big SuperFolder Con? I sure am! But we’re going to give everybody time to submit something spectacular!
So, to keep you busy until then, here are some videos you might enjoy.
First a few of mine:
And here’s a wild new Tom Can’t Draw that teaches me (and you) how to draw a Guinea Pig playing a Ukelele while a Snake with a Pomopadour sings!!!!
Check out the other episodes of Tom Can’t Draw for lots of other quality stuff. And tune in for the Season Finale coming soon which will be crazy!
If you’ve read El Deafo you may have wondered about why Martha acts the way she does after Cece’s eye is injured. In this video, the real-life Cece and Martha talk about the incident. It’s fascinating!
Here’s one of Matthew Reinhart’s that’s a real mind blower!
And— if this whole COVID mess is getting you down, here’s something guaranteed to make you feel better: