My call for soundtrack suggestions hasn’t yet turned up quite enough to make a full album yet….
BUT AhsokaAwesome6 wrote in with something absolutely amazing!!!!!
Take it away AhsokaAwesome6….
I have an origami yoda song sung to the ghostbusters theme song, here are the lyrics :
verse one- a problem at McQuarrie middle school who ya gonna call? origami yoda an evil origami darth paper who ya gonna call? origami yoda
chorus-(ghostbusters music) I ain’t scared of the sour side (ghost busters music) I ain’t scared of the sour side
verse 2- Dwight and yoda left McQuarrie middle school who ya gonna call? the fortune Wookie? want origami but don’t get folds, who ya gonna call? art2-d2
chorus- ghost busters music) I ain’t scared of the sour side (ghost busters music) I ain’t scared of the sour side
McQuarrie get over run by funtime what ya gonna do? start an origami rebellion! you need help cause you ain’t playing chimes who ya gonna call? princess labelmaker
chorus-(ghost busters music) I ain’t scared of the sour side (ghost busters music) I ain’t scared of the sour side
if Harvey ruins a field trip just go and yell fruitagami yoda I ain’t scared of the sour side origami yoda will hear your cry he ain’t scared of the sour side
yeah yeah yeah who ya gonna call origami yoda (the end)