Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Welcome a new member to the Jedi Council of Superfolders!

WARNING: Possible spoilers in this image if you haven’t finished the series yet!

If you missed NoahOfManyNames’ incredible Lego Minifig poster before, get a good look at it now. The attention to detail is amazing!

For example, take a look at Kellen. ScoobyDoo shirt, embarrassing stain, pencil, recorder thingy. And then there’s the Godzilla he gave Rhondella, which she has dropped on the floor!

This is just so stooky!!!

I took some screenshots to help see everything.

So… there are no exact rules for how to join the Jedi Council. (Also no actual benefits) You just have to do something above and beyond what anybody else has done before. This sure fits!!

Congratulations, NoahOfManyNames!