Today’s the BIG day! Rocket and Groot 2: Keep on Truckin’ is now ready for you to read.
But are YOU ready for it? It’s absolutely crazy! Rocket, Groot and Veronica land on a planet where all the cars are self-driving cars… that have gone insane!!! Thousands of vehicles — from garbage trucks to minivans to cement mixers to shark transporters — want to crash into our heroes. Their only hope… DRIVE CRAZIER THAN THE CRAZY CARS!
So… are you ready for the ride of your life? Or at least the ride of your early April?
It might help if you got yourself a TRUCKER NAME first.
If you need help thinking of one, try VERONICA’S TRUCKER NAME GENERATOR! It really works! (If you have Flash installed.)
If it doesn’t work or if you’re too dang lazy to do it, then I hereby name you “Pickle Lips.”)