Hey SFs!
Welcome to 2017!
The good news: You guys are amazing and keep posting amazing stuff! Like that Grievous up top by SF PaperLuigi. Wow! And now that the wait time is reduced, everybody else will get to see your great stuff on the STOOKINESS pages about a week after you make it. So keep folding and posting!!!
The bad news: There will not be a new Origami Yoda book in 2017. What about 2018? I don’t know. That would be awesome, but it’s out of my hands.
But here’s some other good news: I’ll have at least 3 other books out in 2017: Rocket and Groot 2, Inspector Flytrap 3 and GOLDBERG! (Goldberg is a picture book for younger readers, but you might like it anyway.)
The really bad news: We’re going to have a president who openly mocks and degrades the disabled, immigrants, women and other people who are like the characters in Origami Yoda. This goes beyond politics and Republicans/Democrats. His mockery and disrespect is already trickling down into the schools, encouraging bullies to bully. Geez, kids like Murky and Dwight already have enough problems without the president egging on the bullies!
The really good news: WE, the SuperFolders, are better than that. We’re not going to go down that easy path. We’re going to look out for our friends, do our best to stay positive and keep on making and creating.
May the Force be with us always…