Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

We will fight the Dark Side … with papercrafts! Next Showcase: Anti-bullying posters!

SFs, you have probably heard the terrible news that because of the election, a few (but TOO MANY) students are bullying other students who are minorities. They are chanting “Build the Wall,” “Heil Hitler” and other stupid things. They are saying and scrawling stupid things, too.  And they are hurting people.

It’s tempting to hurt these people back with a punch in the face…. but that leads to the Dark Side.

So let US fight the Dark Side with OUR kind of weapons: paper, markers, glue, glitter and our love of Star Wars (and other cool stuff).

This was the message of the Origami Yoda books, especially chapters like Murky and the Pink Shirt or Jennifer and the Butt Boots. We have to let everyone know that the bullies are WRONG and that the bullies will NOT win!

And WE the SuperFolders have the power to do it!

So…. our next showcase is the most important we’ve ever done. I’m asking you to use your skills to make a poster that HELPS this situation in some way. Maybe it says that bullying is unacceptable. Maybe it tells kids who are getting bullied that they are not alone! PeterWanKenobi made the one up top!

Let’s do it here, too! AND after you take a great photo of your poster, I hope you’ll hang it up somewhere to help others.

A few notes:

  1. *** This isn’t really about Trump-bashing. Let’s keep these posters POSITIVE!
  2. *** Try to get a REALLY clear photo or even a scan of your poster. Or maybe use a graphics program or meme generator to make it. It would be great if other people could print out your poster, too! (I’m hoping to make one that would print out a little better, too.)
  3. *** Submit your picture with the word “showcase” in the title, so we can find it.
  4. *** If you aren’t registered with this site, feel free to submit your poster to @TomAngleberger through instagram or @origamiyoda on twitter.

We will start posting these as they come in and then again as a showcase… There’s no real deadline. This is a fight we have to keep fighting. We CAN NOT let the bullies win!