Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Holy Snoke! The Stookiness Meter just exploded!

Posting 100 (or so) posts a day means that Sam and I are seeing an insane amount of Stookiness every day!!!! So much greatness!!! I am so amazed by you SFs!!!!!

If you’re not keeping up with STOOKTEMBER, then you are missing stuff like Creepster567’s Cantina Hammerhead! (Now know at Tendau Bendon)
I have tried to fold old Hammerhead myself and NEVER came up with anything anywhere near this good! I am humbled!

And this is just 1 of the 100 (or so) posts that is going up REALLY REAL REALLY fast during Stooktember!
So click on SUPERFOLDER STOOKINESS and keep on scrolling and clicking next until you get a blister!