- EmpPickletine10
- LegoLuke
- Rotta
- Mega3
- HanSoloDude36
- Chippy
- Rotta
- Tynuviel
- Lou
- DarthJawa
- KitFistoFan
- SuperDuperStooky
- AriLikesUnicorns
- Lizardo
- Clonefolder1
- ReturnOfTheCheeto
- BCube64
- CaveSpider
- Beckett
- OYthe3rd
- DarthNoah
- C3P0
- MasterFolderGrievous
- CJ
- Wixoa1
- EvilJawa
- Anakin88
- SeanSolo
- Princess
Wow!!! Thanks for all the awesome rats with human faces!!! Some are funny, some are gross…. all are awesome! I really hope you guys will enjoy the book, which is hopefully funny and definitely a bit gross!
Today is the official launch date of the book, which is the second in the Qwikpick series. Qwikpick 1 is out in paperback now if you want to save a few dollars.
The winner of our contest was RANDOMLY chosen by computer and it is…. EmperorPickletine10! Emperor Pickletine10, let me know your FIRST NAME ONLY and I will find SOMEWHERE to put it in Qwikpick3!!!
NOTES: Nightstalker’s photo did not come through, but he WAS included in contest. CJ has made a whole comic about the rat, which you can see on Stookiness! And thank you MEGA3 for the feature picture up top!
And now I’ve got to get to work on a MegaDoodle based on suggestions by people who entered the contest… some of these are NUTS!