Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Star Wars Rebels ORIGAMI Showcase!!!!

SPOILER ALERT! If you haven’t seen the SEASON 1 FINALE yet, there’s a SPOILER in the Showcase. So go watch it RIGHT AWAY and then come back!

Welcome to the Rebels Showcase…. WOW!!!! You SFs are amazing!! I was really happy to see some of the old pros in this showcase, alongside some incredible new talent! Just amazing! And a real tribute to Dave Filoni and his team!!!


Note: Some of these were sent in previous to this Showcase Challenge… in fact, SF Tanner’s CHOPPER up there way be the first piece of Star Wars Rebels Origami EVER!!!!


Stay Tuned for a NEW SHOWCASE CHALLENGE very soon!!!!! (But this one will be hard to beat!)