Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Welcome to a new year of OrigamiYoda.com! Let’s start with a new showcase!

UPDATE: WOW!!! The submissions are incredible!!! Thanks to SF YodaFan07 for this great shot of the WIMPY KID TEAM!


Hello SFs!!!

OrigamiYoda’s Website is now FIVE YEARS OLD! And the book will be celebrating FIVE YEARS in print soon, with a new paperback edition! (Check out this old post from 5 years ago, when I got my own first look at the book.)

Now that the holidays are over, we’re going to try to get back to a regular schedule here, with Webmaster Sam posting 20+ new submissions every evening. (No, we won’t be having TTT or SFTZ anytime soon. It always ends in tears.)

I want to tell you how impressed I was by the Christmas Countdowns some of you did! WOW! Great work! Now, let’s team up for a NEW SHOWCASE for origamiyoda.com!

In fact, let’s make that the theme: TEAMS!

For this showcase, you can fold any team you want: The Rebels, The A-Team, The Dodgers*, The Powerpuff Girls, NERDS, The Scooby Doo Gang, The Knights of the Roundtable, etc…..

*Sorry, no NFL teams. The NFL is on my BAD list right now….


1) Put all team members in ONE picture! (No, you don’t have to fold EVERY member of the team, but do fold at least two!)

2) SUBMIT the picture to Webmaster Sam with the word TEAM in the picture.

3) Deadline EXTENDED: January 13