Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

The What’s New Showcase, featuring Baymax, Wirt, Olaf and more….

Hey SFs!!!

Here’s the What’s New Showcase!

p.s. Tom had been working on Wirt and Greg, but decided that yours are better, so he’s saving those for later.






Sam's Baymax

Sam’s Baymax

RedSlimeFreddy's 5 Nights at Freddy's

RedSlimeFreddy’s 5 Nights at Freddy’s

RandomMaker's Olaf

RandomMaker’s Olaf

Random Maker's Justin Beiber Christmas Song

Random Maker’s Justin Beiber Christmas Song

OY180's Manny!

OY180’s Manny!

SF Michael's Dr Who

SF Michael’s Dr Who

Mega3's Marvel

Mega3’s Marvel



Larry's Clara from Dr Who

Larry’s Clara from Dr Who

Larry's Dr Who

Larry’s Dr Who

K_Origami's Baymax

K_Origami’s Baymax

John's Baymax

John’s Baymax

JediYoda24's Baymax

JediYoda24’s Baymax

JediJoey's Wirt

JediJoey’s Wirt

Isabella's Wirt

Isabella’s Wirt

Grievous' Baymax and Inquisitor

Grievous’ Baymax and Inquisitor

SF Greeno

SF Greeno

DiamondYoda's Baymax

DiamondYoda’s Baymax

DarthJawa3's BIg Hero 6

DarthJawa3’s BIg Hero 6

DarthJawa2's Pokemon

DarthJawa2’s Pokemon

DarthJawa's Long Haul

DarthJawa’s Long Haul

Chewie5's Doctor and K9

Chewie5’s Doctor and K9

CaptOrigami's Baymax and Hiro

CaptOrigami’s Baymax and Hiro

CaptOrigami's Sharpine

CaptOrigami’s Sharpine