Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Talk to Tom

Howdy SuperFolders!!!

We’re CHANGING the way we do TALK TO TOM.

From time to time, Tom will do a LIVE session and answer questions as they come in.
Stay tuned, because the first one is coming up SOON.

Until then:

Here are a few FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS, with answers!

Q: Are you writing more books?
A: YES!!!!!!
I hope to write many, many more books.
Right now I do not have a new Origami Yoda book coming out, but I do have:
The Qwikpick Papers series Book 2 coming in spring 2015.
Return of the Jedi, Summer 2015
McToad (a picture book), Fall 2015
A series with Cece coming 2016!
And of course, my other books: Fake Mustache, Horton Halfpott, Stonewall Hinkleman and Crankee Doodle.

Plus, Cece’s book, El Deafo, tells the real story behind Caroline, from the OY books.

Q: How do I write to Tom?
A: Origami Yoda
115 W. 18th ST
NY NY 10011

Q: Can I email Tom? Can I post my email or home address in a comment?

A: No, that’s not allowed because of Internet privacy concerns. You should NEVER post your home address online ANYWHERE. NEVER! And you should be very very careful with your email address as well.

Q: Is the TalkZone coming back?
A: No, never.

Q: Is this Website shutting down now that the series is over?
NO! The website stays! It’s a place for you guys to show off your Star Wars origami — and me, too, sometimes. So keep folding and submitting and having fun!



1. Why didn’t you add extra pages in Jabba the P., PL, and EP teaching us how to draw them?

2. If you were making another activity book, who would be the cover star?

3. When’s the next Mega Doodle?

4. When will you post instructions for Rocket Racoon?


PS. I just saw you as Proffesor Funtime in the showcase post. I hope you get to play him in the Fan Made OY series by JC!


Tom, EP doesn’t really tell us the secret behind OY. It just shows Dwight talking to OY and how Dwight is gong to send OY to Micah. Wait a second… You told us OY’s secret along time ago in the first book where Dwight said he went to Japan.OY was made from insperation from the time Dwight went to Japan! Or was it China?


If you would write a book for the new movie, what would it be about?


Happy Halloween! Have you got my Boussh instrux yet?


I don’t do Halloween. Tom do you know star wars galaxies? If you do, did you play it? If you did or didn’t, do you play the remake (SWGEMU) since the first and real one got shut down?


Happy halloween TOM!


Tom, did you get my letter. It has instructs. Blee-beep boop whistle beep?


i heard some sf made a movie of Star Wars using origami. Where can i see that?


i am at school right now! and it is allowed! πŸ™‚ awsome!


Happy reformation Day!


Yay! Another guy who may be in my class!




When will you start making more instrux and more origami & kirigami and new origami yoda books?


i think tom said that the oy books are done. hopefully there is a little bit of the story left that tom wants us to figure out in our own books. but i still think there is part of the story that he wants to share officially. like a origami book, doodling book. or a regular oy book. he made the rancor so i am thinking that he might.


No, on the cover of EP, it says the FINAL book in the series :'(. So, Tom will NOT (I hate saying these words in this topic) make any other OY books! (In Darth Paper’s words) “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” BUT…. you probably CAN make it to where it didn’t actually end in your own books. (In I think OY’s (double parentheses, or Tommy’s)) ” THE END THIS IS NOT!”


Happy Halloween! May the F0rce be with you all during Trick Or Treat Time!!!!! Bring your Origami Puppets during Trick or Treating!!!


My Origami Qui-Gon Jinn was submitted 4 weeks ago, but didn’t appear


Tell Sam that, Not tom.


Lots of my posted stuff took more than 4 weeks to show up ????


# keep calm and may the force be with u on halloween


# keep calm and may the force be with u on halloween


always. πŸ™‚


Hey Tom! I was looking at your desk in your HTM EP video and your desk seems so messy. (No offense) Is organized in any way?


tom my nana has broke her leg. can you send a get well card for her?


tom I am gong to make origami into all minecraft mobs and steve. problem is I don’t know how to make my minecraft username skin slenderbrine. πŸ™ nostrul


Tom I answered Jessenia’s question (more like answered advice) why was it deleted? I thought if it was a question we could reply


So did I. It also got deleted.


Happy Halloween Tom!!!


We people in England watch the movies starting with “A new hope” and ending with “The clone wars” That can’t be right?




U can watch Star Wars however u want bro


if their was star wars origami movie, they wll have a song named: everything is stooky!!


Tom. Don’t u think it would be funny/weird if someone made an emergency yoda that is atom size? LOL


Tom- Ever have a time when something tiring comes up and it gets worst? I had to run a mile earlier for PE, and I drank a lot of water after, then my PE teacher warns us not to drink too much water. Long story short, I was stuck in the locker room for 10 minutes throwing up water.


You need to eat as as well as drink. If you don’t eat enough, but you try to drink a lot of water, you will puke. But the run also probobly had a factor in it.


Tom- In Pickletine, I found in the part about the effect of OY, Kellen is wearing a Chopper shirt from Star Wars Rebels!


Are you still going to write about origami star wars


Tom, my Halloween submission for the showcase isn’t in the preview. And I submitted it a day after Tom posted the showcase news! Did you just post have of it? Or you didn’t see it?


Tom, could you ask Kellen if he watched STAR WARS REBELS? The reason I am asking because his puppet, the Wheat Thinsquitor, (before he ate it, duh!) is part of STAR WARS REBELS.


The name Insquitor, is part of STAR WARS REBELS. Not Wheat Thinsquitor. ;). Oops.


He didn’t. The EP took place spring 2014. Rebels premiered fall 2014. He had seen the previews and stuff though, which is how he knew who the inquisitor was. When it does premier, he will probobly watch it.


Unless he saw the tv series first.


Tom can you make a talk zone cause i know u r upseyt with the problem page thing so can u plzz


tom you seen jurassic park or seen the sequels (or read them)p.s. velociraptor

had feathers


What origami character is the hardest


Princess label maker or emmporer pikelstine


no,I think van jahanke Yoda is


why is the talkzone gone


because there have been so many problems with the talkzone (this page) lately (press on report to sam for proof)


kHi Tom, what’s up? aChapter nine is almost done! yWhat do you think of it so far? cWhat’s your favorite chapter? eWhat do you think happens next?


Whoa, that is a lot of typos.


tom i am an entrepreneur and i am creating a business about origami star wars its where people hire tutors to teach there child(ren) how to do origami star wars stuff


My image didn’t come through either?


are u having the problem with the pics uploading, too.


Tom, I saw the pumpkin carving video on YouTube before watching it on here! It’s awesome!!! Please do a Ep.5 yoda on a pumpkin!



An Ep 5 Yoda….. you mean like Yoda in Empire Strikes Back?


tom im in henderson nevada in anthem contry club


Hey tom, I’m writing a book about a breadcat and a porkcat and their friends and life and death. It’s wierd


Sounds werid…. which is good!


And Messi,the soccer player


sounds very weird



I answered more. See below!

Pumpkin carving action coming up very soon!


Okay! Though I already read them..

Won’t be able to enter this time, Tom


Tom, do you have any tips on writing a book?



Don’t rush. Don’t force yourself to write a certain number of words every day or anything like that.

Don’t focus on getting it published.

Just have fun and see what happens.


Tom: is your and Sam’s lives easier without the SFTZ?

And I need your advice. I found a golfball a month ago, when I was walking to school and tripped and fell over it. On the ground, I knew it was meant to be. So I went to school with the golfball and named him Larry. After that, everything changed. I began to bond with… Someone that.. I.. Eh, I made a new friend sixth grade (im in seventh doe) and everyone asks me about Larry. He’s the star of the school! We even started a club with Larry being the host. We all have names. The members are Larry, Larry (me), Marvin, Phil, Kevin, Pedro, and Bob. Course those are fake names we have. That’s our names now ^_^ girl/boy weird club.

Sounds fun right?!? Not till today.

Well of course, Cesar (someone I kinda like :3) hates Larry. He tries to do very mean things to Larry. He succeeds. today he took Larry from my pocket and rolled him down the block. I chased after Larry, and recieved him. As I was walking back to my patrol spot, he fell from my pocket. I picked him up. Then a co-principal comes out the door and yells “GIVE ME THAT THING RIGHT NOW”

Course I gave Larry. .-. I was very sad. Cesar was even laughing in my face! I went up to her and asked for Larry back later. I have him now! She was proclaiming how it was dumb and useless. I said I used him at recess (which the whole school played LarryRun with him). She said THATS WHERE HE BELONGS, AT RECESS NOT INSIDE. And she caught me outside with Larry! How weird. She said if she sees it again it’s hers.


Okay now that you know the story, should I continue bringing Larry to school without her seeing it, so he can help me make more friends and stuff, or leave him at home? I can get a detention from this, but Larry helps me!! I have a bunch more friends, and I am liked. So hard of a choice… For once I feel like I can be awesome, not just a weird kid. It’s like Dwight and Yoda. Cept it’s a golfball. And it’s Me.

(I wasn’t kidding of how I told you I was the weirdest kid in school)


Keep on keeping on with Larry, but keep him out of sight!!!


Thanks, Tom and Moochael. I’ll try the ideas.


Keep him hidden


Tom, do u think u can make an origami dr who series?


Why not?


Tom, its me sam from andersons book shop in Naperville, IL I was the one who gave you that princess lable maker and I was hoping you could come back there because when you came I had a blast! (and a good excuse to get away from my sister thanks for that!:)) So would you plz come again? plz respond as soon as you can thx bye


,It’ll be a big while before he comes back. He was just here last month! (I was the person folding giant YODA with him)


Well, I will be in Chicago in Jan and will hopefully be able to visit a store while I’m there.




Tom, will my showcase submission make it in?


If you followed the rules it will.


tom, i really only watched 1 star wars movie. either the phantoms menace or the 4 one. (forget what it is called). i was wondering what parts are scary in your opinion. i saw a picture of sebastion shaw when he was playing vader with no helmet. that kind of freaked me out the first time. so what is scary in your opinion?


A new hope


Movie 3 is pretty scary and Movie 5 is scary.


3 because anakin vader fell in lave and episode 5?


I guess Empire is a little scary…. My little sis took it in stride, but cringed at a couple parts. III is actually so spooky my dad said that my sis cant watch it till 12 πŸ™ Its good tho. BTW Skyfolder if you arent sure about a movie, ask your parents to watch the movie first. Also go to commonsensemedia.org for a good age appropriate review of many many filmms.


Empire is scary. Luke kissed his sister. If that wasn’t scary, I don’t know what is.


Tom, I just made the stookyest cover yoda ever!

I got the ears just right! seriously I think you would be impressed.


Looking forward to seeing it!


I have created my own creation of Origami Master Qui-Gon Jinn and a Jedi with robe!!!


Aweosme! please submit it!


Hey im at school






TOM! I NEED LONGER 4 THE SHOWCASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PL;EAAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Er…. it’s a Halloween contest.

You’d need to have your costume done by tomorrow anyway, right?


what book were you writing in 8th grade that u didnt finish?


maby daily stuff that happened to him


It was an “adventure” story about Cuba. i knew almost NOTHING about Cuba so it would have been TERRIBLE if I had finished it.


Hey Tim did u see my cover Yoda yet


tom Herobrine is here!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is a doodle-gami puppet but it is the first one posted that is origami!!!!!!!!!!!

