Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Pickletine is coming! We’re just days away from THE END!

We’re getting closer and closer to the end of the Origami Yoda series.

Emperor Pickletine, the LAST book in the Origami Yoda series, comes out Aug. 12! (The website will keep going, btw).

I just want to remind everybody again… you’ll only get ONE CHANCE to read this book the first time.

The end is THE END. So, don’t go peeking at the final pages to see the instrux, acknowledgements or to see if OY has a final speech balloon.

Please trust me. We’ve come a long way together! Through five novels. Through Dwight getting kicked out and coming back. Through The FunTime Menace, even!

This is really one big story — Dwight’s story — and it means so much to me that you guys have shared it with me. And I put everything I could into this final book, especially the ending. So, don’t spoil it for yourself. Take it slow. Start at the beginning and when you get to the end it will be a surprise.