Hey SFs!!!
SuperFolder Micah has let me know that SuperFolder Marcus is back in New York City for more cancer treatments.
A lot of you have sent Origami Yodas and green hands and donations before. I think he may need to hear from us more than ever right now! He’s going to be a long way from home for a long time…
Micah says we can write to Marcus in care of the Ronald McDonald House in NYC.
Marcus Bolles
c/o RMDH
405 East 73rd StreetROOM 705
New York, NY 10021
Send him some origami or some doodles and let hime know that The Force (and the Superfolders) Will Be With Him Always.
(I imagine he gets tired of talking about medical stuff, so I don’t think you even need to mention all that.)
I know there’s been some fussing and fighting on this site lately, but The SuperFolders are a team! And I know I can count on you to help SF Marcus!