Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Talk to Tom: Week of Nov. 18 — Conspiracy Theories!

Hey SFs…

FIRST OF ALL…. PLEASE if you are going to make an random comment or ask an off-topic question, do it HERE on TALK TO TOM and not as a comment to a totally unrelated post. This is the best place for me and other SFs to see it!


To sum up –

Talk To Tom = whatever you want.

Regular posts and SF Stookyness pages = ON topic comments.

Report a problem to Webmaster Sam is for …. reporting a problem to Webmaster Sam only!


Now, for this week’s question:

I LOVE reading SFs interesting theories about the books. I’ve especially enjoyed the theories about Harvey being in love with Sara AND Harvey being in love with Amy.

So what are YOUR craziest theories about Origami Yoda, Dwight or anybody else at McQuarrie/Tippett?


Here’s one to get you started…

Origami Yoda isn’t real …. AND NEITHER IS DWIGHT! Tommy and Kellen made up Dwight because McQuarrie is boring and they WISH someone weird would come and make it interesting.

Make your conspiracy theory below, comment on other people’s theories, ask me a question or talk to the other SFs…