Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Happy One-Month Birthday to OrigamiYoda.Com! Happy 500th SuperFolder POST! Here are some more stats…

What a month SFs!!!!

Since the site launched, we’ve had:

1400 people sign up to be SuperFolders!
(And only one SF designated for blacklisting so far. That’s a very small Stooky to Harvey ratio!!!)

Over 1500 Talk to Tom comments. (A lot of those are my answers. I’m having a lot of fun talking to you SFs on Talk to Tom!)

Over 500 SuperFolder Stookiness posts! (I do wish the posts were getting MORE COMMENTS! If you see something stooky take a minute to tell the SF in the comments!)

Over 800 submissions in all!!!!
(Some quick math tells you that we have 300 submissions that haven’t been posted yet. If we post 15 a day, that’s 20 days…)

And…. this week… the book The Suprise Attack of Jabba the Puppet was still #1 on the Publishers Weekly list of kids books and the Origami Yoda series is still in the top 10!!!

WHAT A MONTH!!!! THANKS EVERYBODY!!!! You SFs are THE FORCE behind the books!

Mmm….thanks for the birthday cake, SF CJ!!!