Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Tyguys Movie Review 2

SuperFolder tyguy

hey superfolders! by popular demand, here is your next movie review!
1. SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME- I also saw this marvel movie in theaters back in February 2022, and it is probably the best spidey movie Ever!!!! I loved it, the heroes and villians were amazing, and I loved seeing Tom, Andrew and Tobey’s spider-men be amazing… together. I hope they make a Spider-Man 4!!!!!

2. THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT- being honest this show wasn’t terrible but it also wasn’t the best star wars show. I was dissapointed in the finale, although it was good to see mando and grogu reunited. i think it should’ve gone more into boba’s childhood and past as a bounty hunter, and if they make a season 2 that’s definitely what it should be about.

my next movie review will come soon, featuring another Marvel film, as well as a mystery one! PS you can make requests on your posts on what you want me to review