Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Summer break

SuperFolder Stingray

It’s finally summer! Woo hoo! Idk about you, but this year of school was a wild ride for me. To celebrate being done, my friends and I went to get boba together. (Boba tea, not Boba Fett, although that does give me an idea for a funny drawing…)
Additionally – Tom, two headed chicken is hilarious!! I wouldn’t have read it on my own, but I was babysitting for two kids who requested I read it aloud to them and I laughed the whole time. Loved the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy references! (and the billion other references that flew right over their heads, also.) However, I must say it is very tiring to read that entire book all at once especially if you are doing the voices and sound effects 😅