SuperFolder StookyOrigamiGavin
This is Gavin. He is still wokling but he is very skilled with a lightsaber. That’s because he is a Jedi knight. Gavin is always helping other Ewoks. Most recently he helped Jonas (Daily Ewok 71), Tristan (Daily Ewok 73), Julia (Daily Ewok 75), and Sarah (Daily Ewok 77) in a battle with an Inquisitor. Gavin quickly defeated the Inquisitor by secretly taking out the Kyber crystal in the Inquisitors lightsaber. So, when the inquisitor turned it on the lightsaber wouldn’t work.
Sometimes Gavin also works with the Super Ewok (see daily Ewok 97). One time in the invasion of the “Penpire” Super Ewok and Gavin fought off many storm troopers but still weren’t able to defeat Martin (see Daily Ewok 98). Force Ghost Nanta (see Daily Ewok 19) and Chad (See Daily Ewok 25) also worked with them to defeat the Storm troopers. Penner (see Daily Ewok 35) will just keep sending out storm troopers from the Penpire until they are able to defeat him.
In appreciation for Gavin’s help, the Baker (See daily Ewok 93), made him a huge donut. Unfortunately the writing on the donut said, “I need to cook some fish today for dinner.” Still, it tasted great.