SuperFolder StookyOrigamiSilas
One day, Philip was playing with his dad Nick, (see daily Ewok 42) but a Gorax started chasing them! The Gorax hurt them really badly, but then Neil came to the rescue. (See daily Ewok 12) Nick needed his arm cut off, and made a robot one. Philip needed to be cut in half! Luckily, Nick made robot things for him too, making Philip a cyborg. He has a laser eye, and his robot arm has rocket boosters on it. Unfortunately, his other leg doesn’t, so every time Philipborg tries to fly, his Ewok side makes him fall to the ground. He ordered a rocket boot, so that doesn’t happen any more. Every time he has a test at school he just searches all the answers on him. He still needs a little help sometimes, but he basically has superpowers thanks to being cyborg. His robot side also falls off and turns into any kind of vehicle. His friends always want to go to his house. He also helps Thomas (see daily Ewok 69) make things by searching how to do them. For some reason, Philip’s hood is also a cyborg, and the robot side is really itchy, and and he is always scratching the back of his robot head. (But how does his robot side deal the itchy-ness?)