Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Competition star wars art

SuperFolder Anakin_The_Chosen1

This will be a Clone trooper/Stormtrooper origami competition, where you post the Clone/Stormtrooper, with instrux, and I take a look at it to determine who passes on to the next round. After that, I will let you guys decide on the finalists and the champion of it all.
The post must be titled Clone/Stormtrooper Competition.
The post MUST be clean.
The post MAY contain instrux, extra points awarded
Dates: Qualifying: 19/09/23- 19/11/23 (that’s 2 months!) after that, more dates will be determined in later posts.
Art: Took me 2 days to draw this, if you want more art, comment STOOKY and I will post it for you guys! P.S. The Art is attached photo, it got a little messed up (sorry!)