Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Captain Phasmastormtrooper instrux stormtroopers September showdown info

SuperFolder CreaseAdiMundi

SF Jeremiahyoda had requested captain Phasma instructions, and I actually already had a Phasma/stormtrooper design already made. I used it in the photo of stormtroopers i recently posted. I also use them in the comic series called STORMTROOPERS that I wrote/drew (I’ll post some Soon!), so I can draw them as fast as Kellen can draw Origami Yoda. (I’ll have more info about STORMTROOPERS Soon!)

And speaking of stormtroopers…Stormtroopers September Showdown is happing next week! So, I figured I’d make an announcement for it:

You can now submit up to three different origami entries.
Remember, the competition starts on the 15th, but I will accept any entries on that day also, in case the post took too long to get posted and I didn’t see it in time. Once we get closer, I’ll post the brackets!

If you’re wondering why I have 501st Legion Clone Troopers here also, I’m entering some of my own origami so I have enough competitors. They are the Cool Squad, and they got their names by co-creating Order 67. Their nicknames (from left to right) are:
Yo, Dude, ‘Sup, and Beatbox.