Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

Biography of Me

SuperFolder DarthZackB

Hello, this is me, Superfolder DarthZackB. I am going to explain some details about me. I was born on June 23, 2002 in Baltimore, Maryland. My interests are origami, movies, TV, books, history, and presidents. My favorite movie is “Avatar” and my second favorite is “Titanic.” My favorite TV show is “South Park.” My favorite book is “Princess Labelmaker to the Rescue!” by Tom Angleberger, who is my favorite author. My favorite person is Steven Spielberg. When I grow up, I want to be a movie director, an inventor, and maybe even president of the U.S.A. My first post was for the Draw Rocket Like Rocket Showcase and Contest. I hope you enjoyed this biography about me.