Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

TALK TO TOM: August 2024 Edition – plus a time warp to 10 years ago!


Can you believe it’s been 10 Years since Emperor Pickletine came out???? I can hardly believe it, but apparently it’s true because this picture was posted here 10 years ago! It shows the awesome cardboard display stand that bookstores used to display the books. Those were wild days!

We’ve been working WB Sam pretty hard this summer! You’ve kept STOOKINESS full of awesomeness, plus we had the badges and the Pokedex!

So, I decided to give him some time off and make a Talk To Tom post while he’s practicing his lumberjack skills to get ready for the county fair’s logrolling competition. GOOD LUCK SAM!

Anyway, if you have a question for me, just submit it like a normal post, but please put TALK TO TOM in the title.

Away we go…

SuperFolder Origmai_Yoda

Can you do another showcase?

ANSWER: Yes!!! We should definitely do a showcase! As soon as Sam gets back, we’ll put up an announcement!

SuperFolder Origmai_Yoda

Can you make a new inside of cover Yoda.

ANSWER: I do get REALLY tempted sometimes to unfold the cover Yoda even farther to try to figure it out. But I always chicken out, because if he didn’t go back together I would be really really sad.


SuperFolder Origami_Master53

Howdy Tom! even though I don’t post I still check (in case you were wondering), anyways ON TO THE QUESTION!!!

What is your Favorite Lord of the Rings/Hobbit movie (Mines Return of the King)?

Also did you like the Hobbit movies? I’m asking because most people don’t (I really liked them).

Thank you! -Origami_Master53

ANSWER: That’s really tough. I really enjoyed all of them! But if I have to answer, I’ll say Two Towers! They really pulled off some impossible things when they made that!

As for the Hobbit movies… I am sorry to say, I’m not a fan. But don’t let that stop you from enjoying them!

Maybe some Hobbit origami would help me change my mind!

SuperFolder Ewoktribe

Well me and my friends are fans of the Oy books so we tried to do some sort of fanfic could you tell us tips to write a book?

ANSWER: Sure! Here’s how to write an Origami Yoda story.

  1. Decide which HUMAN is telling the story.
  2. Think of a PROBLEM they might have. I used a lot of real things that happened to me. Example: crying during baseball, getting an embarassing stain that is not pee but looks like pee, etc…
  3.  Now think of which Star Wars character would be the best one to help with that problem. Yoda’s wise, Ahsoka’s brave, Princess Leia is tough, etc…
  4. Now write the story so that the origami saves the day! (It doesn’t matter what happened in real life!)
  5.  Doodle on the story!

SuperFolder CreaseAdiMundi

Help me Tom, you’re my only hope!

I’ll get straight to it. I’m trying to write a fantasy book; similar to lotr. I’ve been reading The First Five Pages, A Fantasy Writer’s Handbook, and The Only Worldbuilding Workbook You’ll Ever Need. So far I’ve created the intricate world of the book, and wrote chapters 1-11, and want to have 20 total with just enough words to be considered a novel (80,000). The problem is…no matter where I look, I can’t find anything that says help on naming a book! Not even google was a help. So I decided to ask you, an author (and very good one at that) for help. Any suggestions? Also, I think I had a talk to tom post that went missing; it wasn’t in the most recent TTT.

ANSWER: Naming a book is hard! Sometimes it’s obvious, like Fake Mustache, but lots of times it’s tough because you want to make sure the reader gets a good idea of what kind of book it is!

Some fantasy books get their names from the name of the world or country plus something important to the story. For example: The Sword of Shanarra or A Wizard of Earthsea.

So… what is the name of your fantasy kingdom or world? And what is the single most important thing or person in the story?

PS sorry if I missed an earlier question. Send it in for the September TTT!