Origami Yoda


Origami Yoda

I met Cece Bell for the 3rd time

SuperFolder Hunterbgizzy I got the chance to meet Cece Bell for the 3rd time! The first was at school, the 2nd time was at a local library, for her book “Smell My Foot” and the 3rd, recently, was at the imagination toystore near Annie Ks in Blacksburg! I got my […]

Oppo Rancisis Instrux

SuperFolder Ah_Fold_Ka That guy on the high council in the prequels and clone wars.

Well done sf SeanG

SuperFolder MaraOmega Hello there! MMM was super fun, and I’m glad there were so many entries! This was my first time joining, and i was very surprised to have my Grunkle Stan origami come in second! But the first prise goes to SeanG’s amazing nubs! Congratulations for winning MMM!

Mr Howell

SuperFolder Stookyboy143 Sorry I haven’t posted in a while and I have lots of origami to show next but anyway here is Mr. Howell


SuperFolder Dwight_tharpstookyzz He may be a bit teared up but he’s still wise (like always)

My website

SuperFolder yodadadd I made my own website! You can find it at: https://yodadadd3445.neocities.org/